League of Legends Patch is preparing us for the 2022 Mid-Season Invitational, so which champions are on the buff and nerf list?
League of Legends Patch 12.7 is coming up, and this patch is going to heavily focus on the pro meta and the picks that have been dominating the various pro circuits. Of course, with changes to sustain in Patch 12.6, a few champions will also need some buffs.
So let's go over the details of what Riot has planned for the next patch. Is your favorite champion on the buff list, or were they forgotten about Riot Games once more?
Champion Nerfs in LoL Patch 12.7
Some of these nerfs will make you scratch your head when looking at their current win rates, but these are some of the best picks in pro play and require a high level of skill and teamwork to function, which is why they often fail in solo queue.
Champion | Nerfs |
Zeri |
Ryze |
Lee Sin |
Jayce |
Champion Buffs in LoL Patch 12.7
While some nerfs might have confused you, the buffs might be just as puzzling. Seeing Yone and Yasuo on the buff list leaves a bad taste in any Silver players mouth, but the changes to Shieldbow in the previous patch have put the wind brothers behind, which is why they're in need of some power increases.
Champion | Buffs |
Gwen |
Pantheon |
Yasuo |
Yone |
Wukong |
Neeko |
Gangplank |
Kalista |
Lillia |
Karthus |
The Gangplank buffs are looking pretty juicy, giving a late game scaling champion a stronger early game thanks to the buffs to his W. This will mean that he's going to be just that much stronger in the late game.
On the other hand, on-hit Neeko makes a return, so hopefully that will boost her play rate in the future?
Rengar Adjustments in LoL Patch 12.7
Rengar got a slight rework in Patch 12.6 and Riot will look over the results to make a few adjustments for the next patch to really bring the cat up to par with other jungle champions.
If you're currently struggling against Rengar, don't worry, we've made a list of some of the best counters against the jungle cat, so you can take on this OG pick in all situations. You don't need to waste a ban on him.
Champion | Adjustment |
Rengar |
With these changes, Rengar will still be a viable pick in the top lane, since he continues to take down towers quickly, but it will just be dialed back a little since he was taking them with a little too much ease.
System Nerfs in LoL Patch 12.7
A few items and system adjustments are also in order for Patch 12.7, as is usual. Do you agree with the listed items?
System | Nerfs |
Winter's Approach/Fimbulwinter |
Moonsone Renewer |
Galeforce |
Time Warp Tonic |
System Buffs in LoL Patch 12.7
Just like with the nerfs, we also have to have some item buffs. We have seen a lot of item changes in the last few weeks with fighter item changes, as well as some updates to sustain, so what will Riot have in store for us now?
System | Buffs |
Umbral Glaive |
Abyssal Mask |
Those are all the upcoming changes to League of Legends Patch 12.7, we still haven't heard anything about the upcoming Void Jungler, and we await the final teams to play out their Spring Splits, so we know who will compete at the 2022 Mid-Season Invitational.