The New Dead by Daylight Chapter Brings A Goofball Killer And A Gothic Witch Survivor

A new Dead by Daylight Chapter is just around the corner. Let's break down, what this content brings to the game.

Dead by Daylight Chapter 31: All Things Wicked. | © Behaviour Interactive

It's that time again: A new Dead by Daylight chapter is on the horizon. Following the licensed releases of Chucky as a Killer and Alan Wake as a Survivor, soon real DBD originals will be added. We're getting the full package: a new Killer, a new Survivor, and a new Map. This is what awaits us in Chapter 31, All Things Wicked.


Dead by Daylight All Things Wicked: New Killer, New Survivor, New Map

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The trailer gives us a glimpse into the overall theme of the new chapter, which goes live on March 12. Through security cameras, we see a young woman with a gothic look sneaking through a movie theater. Soon, she is enveloped in dark fog, and the connection to the cameras is lost. The teaser image at the end of the trailer shows us not only her face, but also the Killer that awaits us.

Fortunately, that's not all we know about the new duo. Since February 20, Steam players have been able to test the new chapter on Dead by Daylight's PTB server. Let's take a look at what the next update has to offer.


New Killer: The Unkown – Power and Perks

The new Killer is called The Unkown. | © Behaviour Interactive

This attractive... guy is the new Killer in Dead by Daylight's lineup, and yes, he's just as wobbly as he looks. However, the axe is not the only thing the Survivors should fear.

The Unkown's Power

Unkown Venom X (UVX)Press the Power button to charge UVX. Once ready, press the Attack button to launch UVX, a bouncing Projectile which creates a Blast Area upon impact. Survivors become Hindered if touched by UVX while airborne.

Survivors touching the Blast Area become Weakened. Weakened Survivors lose health states if touched by Blast Areas. Survivors lose Weakened by successfully Staring Down The Unknown.
Special Ability: HallucinationsThe Unknown will intermittently create Hallucinations. Hallucinations cannot be created while charging UVX, performing interactions, or in proximity to map objects like hooks.

Whenever Survivors are touched by Blast Areas or otherwise become Weakened, the next Hallucination's spawn time decreases by 10 seconds.

The Unknown can Teleport to Hallucinations, leaving behind a temporary Decoy. Survivors can remove Hallucinations from the trial with the Dispel ability. Weakened Survivors take longer to Dispel. If Dispel is not completed, Survivors become Weakened and trigger Killer Instinct.

You could describe the power of The Unknown as a mix of The Artist and The Hag. You have a ranged attack that works similarly to The Artist's crows, and you can teleport across the map just like The Hag. This makes every loop unsafe and allows you to build good map pressure. The derpy animations of The Unkown complete the picture.


The Unkown's Perks

UnboundThis perk activates for 30 seconds after a Survivor becomes injured by any means.

After vaulting a window, you gain 5% Haste for 10 seconds. This effect cannot stack with itself.

Haste increases Killer movement speed.
UnforeseenWhen you perform the break action on a generator, your Terror Radius transfers to the generator for 30 seconds and its radius is set to 32 metres.

You gain Undetectable for that duration. Then, this perk goes on cooldown for 30 seconds.

Undetectable hides the Killer's aura, Terror Radius, and Red Stain.
UndoneWhen a Survivor misses a healing or repair Skill Check, gain 3 tokens, up to 30.

When you perform the break action on a generator, if you have any tokens, consume all of them. For each token consumed, the generator loses 1% total progress and then becomes blocked for 1 second. Then, once the generator is unblocked, it starts regressing.

This perk goes on cooldown for 60 seconds.

The perks of our wobbly friend are rather mediocre, but have the potential to confuse survivors and complement certain perk builds. Undone, for example, can appear useful when paired with other perks that make skill checks more difficult for survivors, such as Merciless Storm and Hex: Huntress' Lullaby.

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New Survivor: Sable Ward – Perks

The new Survivor is a witch named Sable Ward. | © Behaviour Interactive

The new survivor with the catchy name Sable Ward, is the best friend of another survivor we've already known for a few years now, Mikaela Reid. Both are practicing witches, and that's also reflected in the new perks.

Invocation: Weaving SpidersWhen in the basement near the circle, press the Ability Button 1 to begin the Invocation.

Invocations take 120 seconds. Other Survivors will see your aura during this and can join an ongoing interaction, increasing speed by 50% each. If they have an Invocation perk equipped, they increase it by 100% instead.

Once the Invocation is completed:
  • You become Injured and gain the Broken status
    effect for the rest of the trial.
  • All remaining generators gain 15 charges instantly.

Completing the Invocation disables that perk for all Survivors.

Broken prevents Survivors from being healed.

Strength in ShadowsWhen in the basement, this perk activates.

Unlocks the Strength in Shadows ability, which allows you to heal without a Med-kit at 60% normal healing speed.

When you finish a heal in the basement, you see the Killer's aura for 10 seconds.
WickedAttention: This perk will be overworked at released. It may have different effects then, than on the PTB.

This perk starts with 1 token, up to a maximum of 5.

For each token, you recover from the Mangled status effect 20% faster.

For each 15 seconds spent in the basement, gain 1 token.

While affected by the Cursed status effect, you heal 10% faster.

increases time required to heal by 25% and lasts for
a set duration or until fully healed.

Sable's perks may not be the strongest, but they are certainly creative. With the introduction of Invocation perks, the Basement is now also interesting for survivors. Also, keep in mind that Wicked will likely have different effects upon the release of the chapter. The devs have already announced this.

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New Map: Greenville Square

The new map has a movie theater. | © Behaviour Interactive

It was time for a new map again, and it looks really nice. At Greenville Square, we can explore the local movie theater and arcade. Greenville is the place where Mikaela and Sable lived before the Entity abducted them.

The new map belongs to the Withered Isle realm, which also includes Garden of Joy.

What do you think of the new chapter? Are you excited to chase gothic witches as the goofy killer? Let us know in the comments!

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Marie-Lena Höftmann

After a childhood full of videogames, Miffy devoted herself to her greatest passion within her academic studies. Aside from science, she has spent too many hours in Dead by Daylight, loves to shred through Souls-likes or chills in Animal Crossing....