An Elden Ring streamer has managed to break the record for the highest damage at level 1 with just one hit. And the damage is insane!

An Elden Ring fan has achieved the impossible. Japanese streamer Koori Soda managed to deal 450k damage with just one single blow after several attempts.
She experimented with various tactics and delved into the different damage types, such as critical hits or bleeding, until she embarked on her attempt to achieve the highest possible damage at level 1. Let's take a closer look at how she accomplished this.
Elden Ring: The Secret Behind The Damage
Koori embarked on a mission to uncover the maximum damage achievable at Level 1. In her quest, she tried several tactics and encountered some incredible results.

Initially, she attempted a combination of Hemorrhage, also known as Blood Loss, and physical damage. Hemorrhage is typically very effective against tough opponents, but it deals damage proportional to the enemy's HP. The challenge with this approach is that it becomes increasingly difficult to trigger Hemorrhage over time. As a result, the damage dealt can never exceed the enemy's HP.
Therefore, in her next attempt, she aimed to exploit Holy damage. This type of damage is particularly effective against "Those Who Live in Death." She chose the undead enemy 'Death Rite Bird' and managed to instantly kill it with 92,325 damage using a targeted combination of buffs.
The Ultimate Tactic
In her subsequent attempt, she then focused on critical hits. Equipping the Miséricorde, the weapon with the highest critical stats, she attacked a Flame Chariot. This enemy has high HP and is very susceptible to critical damage. By targeting a specific spot on the Flame Chariot's upper opening, Koori managed to deal 39k+ damage.
Recognizing the potential in this action, the streamer embarked on another attack, this time with considerable preparation. She elevated her attack damage to the next level by using a Sleep Pot to put the Flame Chariot to sleep. To further maximize damage output, she utilized a concoction of various buffs and debuffs. Consequently, she achieved a staggering 455,866 damage! Who would have expected so much damage at level 1?
Dealing such high damage at level 1 demands a thorough grasp of the game and a carefully planned strategy. What's your highest damage output in Elden Ring? Share it with us in the comments below!