Fallout 2 Makeover: Mod-Project Transforms Classic Into Fallout 4 Graphics

Fallout 2 remains one of the most beloved entries in the Fallout series, especially among long-time fans. Despite its legendary status, the game hasn't aged well, with its clunky interface, slow combat, and outdated graphics presenting significant barriers for new players.

2024 06 05 15 19 news
Another remade classic, yay! | © Project Arroyo/EarlyGame

In Fallout 2, you take on the role of the "Chosen One," a direct descendant of the protagonist from the first Fallout game. Your mission is to retrieve a Garden of Eden Creation Kit (G.E.C.K.) from Vault 13 to save your home village of Arroyo from a devastating drought and to restore vegetation to the radioactive wasteland.

The game’s well-written quests and memorable characters have always been its strong points. This potential is precisely what Project Arroyo aims to tap into. This very ambitious project is a complete remake of Fallout 2, utilizing the graphics and engine of Fallout 4.

A Classic Reimagined in Modern Graphics

Over four years ago, a dedicated group of Fallout 2 enthusiasts decided to modernize the classic 2D game using the Creation Engine from Fallout 4. Today, Project Arroyo has grown to involve over 100 mod developers who are collectively working on what they describe as a "pretty big, little Fallout 2 reproduction."Many environments from Fallout 2 have already been recreated in 3D and can be explored from a first-person perspective. While some interior areas are still in need of polish, several outdoor zones already look impressive:

Initially, the developers are focusing on replicating the entire game world of Fallout 2. Over time, additional details and refinements will be added. The final map of Project Arroyo is projected to be roughly twice the size of Fallout 4's, indicating the massive scope of work that still lies ahead.

Reviving Lost Content And Preparing For A Steam Release

Project Arroyo plans to include content that was cut from the original game. This includes quests, locations, characters, and mechanics resurrected by the Fallout 2 Restoration Project, which unearthed and made playable numerous scrapped elements from the original data.The release date for Fallout 4: Project Arroyo is still undetermined. The team aims to launch the game on Steam, following a model similar to the German Skyrim mod Enderal. This means that while Project Arroyo will be a standalone experience, players will need to own both Fallout 4 and Fallout 2 to play it.

Even Bethesda appears to support the development of this ambitious Fallout 2 remake, despite the recent rocky release of their Next Gen update that posed challenges for the modding community.

Johanna Goebel

Johanna is studying Online-Journalism in Cologne and has been travelling the gaming world since she was a toddler. Her heart beats for open-worlds, action or fantasy RPGs and third-person shooters with great storylines and (un)charming characters.
