Helldivers 2: Leaked Video Showcases Upcoming Playable Mechs

A video posted by a Reddit user is causing a stir among Helldivers 2 fans. Are the eagerly awaited mechs arriving sooner than we thought?

Helldivers 2 mech
Mechs might be coming to Helldivers sooner than we thought. | © Arrowhead/fozzye18 on Reddit

Helldivers 2 remains one of the hottest games to play right now. The server issues caused by the large influx of players are gradually subsiding, allowing us to focus more on the amazing in-game content.

A new addition coming to the game soon will be playable mechs. It's almost certain that they will be coming, but the exact date of their implementation has not been revealed yet. However, a recent Reddit post gives hope that we won't have to wait too much longer.

Leaked Video Shows First Mech In Action

On Reddit, a user posted a video showcasing one of the massive metal colossi.

Mechs... enjoy by u/fozzye18 in Helldivers

With a handheld camera, they recorded gameplay footage of Helldivers 2, showing their character stepping out of the mech, circling around it, and then getting back in. Afterward, they maneuver the cumbersome, humanoid vehicle and fire missiles.

As befits a real leak video, the quality of the video is unbelievably poor, yet somehow the story has a certain credibility, even though we can never be entirely certain that a leak like this is genuine.

The user recounted in the comments how this discovery came about. They had simply joined a match as usual, and one of the other players began spawning unreleased content. "From what I saw, he had access to their new weapons like an energy RPG coming, a meteorite that hits like the nuke, a group of Helldivers you can call in to support you (NPCs), and more."

OP was not sure whether it was a hacker or even one of the developers. Their game eventually crashed due to the many loaded contents, and the mysterious player's username was nowhere to be found.

They also mention about the mechs that they could switch between a machine gun and the rocket launcher shown in the video. Additionally, there seem to be more than just one type of mech; another one can even be seen in the background of the video.

It's not news that mechs will eventually be added to Helldivers 2. In a trailer for the game's release, we were already shown gameplay featuring the bulky robot soldiers, set to arrive "soon after launch."

Even if the shaky handheld camera video from Reddit turns out to be fake, we can assume that mechs will be added to the game some time in the future. And that's very good news because we're running out of ways to accidentally eliminate our teammates.

Marie-Lena Höftmann

After a childhood full of videogames, Miffy devoted herself to her greatest passion within her academic studies. Aside from science, she has spent too many hours in Dead by Daylight, loves to shred through Souls-likes or chills in Animal Crossing....