Another Pokémon Rip-Off? Palworld Devs Teaser A Trading Card Game

The Palword developers are teasing a trading card game for their little Pals – and once again we are reminded of Pokémon. But this time it looks like they want to be more unique than before.

palworld card game
Palworld Trading Cards? They could be closer than you think. | © Pocktpair/OpenAI/EarlyGame

Evil tongues claim that Palworld drew inspiration from a very popular monster-collecting game. However, the gameplay of Palworld is actually quite different from that of Pokémon. But what worked well for the Nintendo giant may not hurt the new survival game. Can we soon expect Palworld's own Trading Card Game?

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Palworld Devs Tease New Merchandise In Form Of Trading Cards

The CEO of Pocketpair, whom we already know from his infamous tweets about AI, posted a picture on Twitter featuring both cards and small figures of Pals.

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He writes: "I'm making and playing card games at work. I'm having so much fun, but I'm going back to work."

One can assume that Takuro Mizobe wouldn't post something like this if there weren't any intentions behind it. A Trading Card Game would definitely be worthwhile, at least for the current moment. Palworld continues to be a mega hit on Steam, and the enthusiasm for the game doesn't seem to be waning.


The comments under this post (as well as an English repost) were largely in support of the development:

  • User "otakuRocku" writes: Shut up and take my money"
  • User "CryptoMindead writes: "If they dunk on Pokemon with their own card game, and it succeeds, I’ll laugh until I puke"
  • User "Thee Worst" writes: "Had a feeling theyd go this route and I cant blame them. Strike while the irons hot and who knows"

Copyright dispute aside. The cards Takuro Mizobe showed in the tweet don't look like Pokémon cards. They are very simple in design and don't feature artworks, but rather profile pictures of the Pals. From the sounds of it, this is still a relatively early version. Whether we'll actually have the first Palworld cards in our hands soon is still uncertain. We'll keep an eye on it, though.

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Marie-Lena Höftmann

After a childhood full of videogames, Miffy devoted herself to her greatest passion within her academic studies. Aside from science, she has spent too many hours in Dead by Daylight, loves to shred through Souls-likes or chills in Animal Crossing....