League of Legends: Another Event Pass Nerf Has Players Furious

It's High Noon in League of Legends soon, but the event pass is making players frustrated once more.

High Noon Evelynn
League of Legends fans are upset over the new High Noon event pass. | © Riot Games

The High Noon Event is coming to League of Legends with LoL Patch 14.6. As with usual events there are tokens to be earned and prizes to be bought within the event shop for those tokens.

There is also the event milestone track, through which players earn their tokens, as well as receive other rewards. Throughout the last few events, these milestone tracks have been nerfed even after player complaints, which Riot even acknowledged. Now, the newest event pass got nerfed again as well.

League of Legends Players Upset Over Continuous Nerfing Of Event Passes

High Noon Peacemaker Yone Mythic Chroma Splash
Riot wants you to spend $200 on skin re-colors instead. | © Riot Games

Event passes have gotten more expensive with the price increase of RP in the last few years, but it seems players are getting less and less to show for it. While Riot has promised over and over again to improve events and event passes this has not happened.

For the High Noon Event, Riot even nerfed the pass for a third time in a row. Riot removed 2 Grab Bags in the Winterblessed and Heavenscale Events, even after Riot acknowledged that players actually like getting those in the milestone pass.

High Noon Rell
The skins are cool but the event is mid. | © Riot Games

Fans are rightly furious, and shared their thoughts in a recent thread on the matter:

It's ridiculous at this point.. We went from 2 grab bags to 0 in the span of like 4 months.

This time, they even went as far as to nerf the few free rewards players receive in the milestone pass. When hitting Level 16, players usually receive an emote, but now that has been exchanged for... drumroll... a random ward skin.

An emote from an event is something far more unique and fun to have than a free ward skin, which players can get through other means...

High Noon Gragas
High Noon Gragas is cool... but I am not spending money on the pass.... | © Riot Games
Faerie Court had 5 emotes that pass. Now we have been reduced to 2 and not a single free emote within 1 year.

This has enraged the community and players let out their frustration on Reddit once more, but with this being the third time players are complaining about event passes, without much of a change from Riot, is it even still worth complaining?

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....