Netflix can't get enough of Luffy and his Straw Hats. After the successful live-action adaptation, Netflix now produces a new anime remake of One Piece. Here's everything we know so far.

Netflix does a 360 with One Piece: they took the popular anime, made it live-action and now they are doing their own animated series about the Straw Hats, kind of going full circle with the Straw Hats.
Why this could actually be a pretty good idea and what you need to know about Netflix's The One Piece is the real treasure – look no further, you've found it right here!
Netflix Animates One Piece Again
Even though Netflix confirmed they are working on the reimagination of One Piece in their own anime, that's pretty much everything they've shared so far.
That means there are no voice actors to announce and also no release date to share.
There are some other things to get excited for, though. The One Piece by Netflix is being produced by WIT Studio – and those are the guys behind Attack on Titan. They have proven themselves to know a thing or two about stunning visuals. Anyone else excited for a reimagination of Luffy's powers or Zoro's skills?
A story should always start at the very beginning, so The One Piece will also start with the East Blue Saga – that's the one they did with the live-action show, too. So Netflix won't zig-zag between animating and live-action-ing One Piece, going back and forth between Sagas, but rather adapt the same story in two different styles.
They aim to "provide viewers with a fresh yet familiar experience, utilizing cutting-edge visual technology to reimagine Luffy’s adventures through the beloved East Blue saga."
Why Re-Animating One Piece Might Be A Smart Move By Netflix And Oda

A Tale as old as time: you see a Netflix show about some pirates, fall in love with the characters and world, but when the first season ends, you're left devastated because patience isn't your strong suit and waiting for the second season seems like the worst fate on earth.
But wait – the show is based on an 25 years old anime, right? You can just watch that one instead, skipping the dreadful waiting period until the live-action show you fell in love with continues, and jump right into it again. But wait (again) – there are over a thousand episodes? Are you even ready for that type of commitment?
Yes, it's a tale as old as time. I'm sure your grandparents warned you about exactly this situation, just like mine did. With a remake of the anime, lots of new opportunities arise – good news for new and old fans alike.
Eiichiro Oda, the creator of One Piece and basically a God in the community, has stayed close at all times when Netflix tackled the live-action show and has worked tirelessly to help make it accurate to his source material – and that showed.
Chances are, that he'll keep a close eye on the upcoming anime as well, making sure the Straw Hat spirit stays just the way it should be. A new anime could be the chance to fix some smaller mistakes or make it more condensed.
One Piece is infamous for its filler episodes, so condensing it down could not only make the story easier to follow, but also for new fans to have an easier time starting the anime without feeling overwhelmed by nearly 400 hours of content before even getting into it.
So if Netflix and Oda keep teaming up the way they did up until now, a new anime remake could be just the way to go – also, I can see Zoro being animated in the Attack on Titan Levi-style in my minds eye already, and let me tell you, it's awesome.
Of course, we'll keep you updated on any news about The One Piece, so stay tuned!