Final Fantasy 16 Blacksmith Guide: How To Craft & Upgrade Weapons & Armor

In this guide for Final Fantasy 16 we show you how to craft and upgrade your armor and weapons.

A Final Fantasy 16 guide for the blacksmith. |© Square Enix

The Final Fantasy franchise is known for its legendary weapons and unique armors. The land of Valisthea is a dangerous one, so it's even more important to keep your gear and equipment up to date. To stay strong throughout the game you're able to craft new weapons, armor and items and even upgrade them.

In this quick guide, we explain how and where you can do the crafting and upgrading of your gear.


Final Fantasy 16: How To Craft & Upgrade Your Gear

Crafting and upgrading your gear is a vital part of Final Fantasy 16 and helps you to stay strong and up to date throughout your travels. To slay the mightiest beasts and enemies, you need the best possible equipment!

The blacksmith and his forge:

In the upcoming Final Fantasy 16 you will be able to this with the services of the blacksmith, Blackthorne. You can meet this craftsman in his forge, "The Black Hammer". The forge is located in the central hub area. This unlocks after you progressed far enough through the main story of the game and reached the quest "A Chance Encounter".

Crafting armor and weapons:

In the Forge and with the help of Blackthorne you can craft weapons and armor for your missions and quests. All you have to do is to gather the needed materials and resources for the items you want. Once you're sure that you possess enough of them, simply talk to Blackthorne in his forge.

Here you have to choose the forge dialogue option, this will open up the blacksmith menu. There you will find the Craft tab, where you can select the items, armor and weapons that you want to craft. Simply hold down the button and tadaaa there is your new shiny sword.

Upgrading weapons and armor:

If you have the feeling that your weapon or armor isn't strong enough anymore and the enemies just don't want to die, it's time to upgrade your gear! Fortunately, Blackthorne can do this as well. Visit him in his forge and talk to him. This time, look out for the Reinforce tab in the crafting menu.

There you can choose item. Make sure you have enough materials and simply hold down the button to upgrade your item.

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Henning Paul
Henning Paul