Final Fantasy 16 Abilities Guide: All Confirmed Skills And How To Upgrade Them

In this guide, we show you all the abilities in Final Fantasy 16 and how to upgrade them.

Final Fantasy 16
All confirmed skills in Final Fantasy 16 and how you upgrade them. | © Blizzard

Final Fantasy 16 comes with a wide variety of new skills and abilities. They can be unlocked and upgraded to strengthen the protagonist, Clive Rosfield. Especially the Eikon abilities are making the upcoming game very interesting, for new and experienced Final Fantasy players. Read everything we know so far about the skills in Final Fantasy 16 and how you can upgrade them.

Final Fantasy 16 Abilities Guide - All Confirmed Skills

Abilities are given to Clive through the different Eikons in Final Fantasy. These Eikons are Ifrit, Phoenix, Garuda, Ramuh and Titan. Here are all the abilities which get unlocked thought dominating the Eikons.

Eikon of Fire, Ifrit

Right now, there is only one Ifrit ability we know so far. It's called "Will o' the Wykes" and allows Clive to summon a storm of fireballs, which circle around him. It damages nearby enemies and also absorbs damage. So it can be used in offensive and defensive manners.

With the release of Final Fantasy 16 there will be some more Ifrit abilities for sure.

Phoenix Abilities

Phoenix is most likely an Eikon of Fire as well, since he's characterized as a large fiery bird. Joshua Rosfield is Dominant on Phoenix. At the moment, we know about five Phoenix abilities. These are:

  • Rising Flames: This ability summonses a fiery wing that deals damage and launches enemies into the air.
  • Scarlet Cyclone: This ability lets you spin around quickly while creating a ring of fire. This burns all of your enemies in range.
  • Phoenix Shift: You can use this ability to get the Blessing of the Phoenix, and to get you closer to your enemy. While shifting, you can also use melee and magic attacks.
  • Heatwaves: This ability summons a wall of liquid fire, which is also projective-dispelling. After that, it will launch several deadly shockwaves. The force of these waves is amplified upon dispelling magic.
  • Flames of Rebirth: This ability summonses a huge pillar of fire, which burns all enemies within its range. You can even use it as a defensive skill, since it restores Clive's HP as well.

Garuda Abilities

Garuda is an Eikon which is dominated by the character Benedikta Harman. It appears to be a winged creature. Right now, Garuda offers five special abilities that we know of. These are:

  • Aerial Blast: This ability summons a tornado that follows nearby enemies. Once the tornado hits, it ensnares the enemies and inflicts multiple hits on them.
  • Deadly Embrace: A grappling claw is sent out to grab an enemy and pull it towards you. But be careful, grappling heavier opponents will launch you into the air!
  • Rock's Gambit: This ability lets you jump back and allows you to deliver a punishing counter afterward. If the jump also evades an attack, your counter potency is increased. Rock's Gambit can also be used midair.
  • Gouge: You will summon twin claws that relentlessly tear at a target. This ability can also be used midair.
  • Wicked Wheel: This ability allows you to perform a rising attack, which strikes all enemies within its range and lift them up. This can also be used midair.
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Characters can transform into their Eikons for battles, to use all these special abilities |©Square Enix

Ramuh Abilities

Ramuh is the Eikon of Thunder, so most of his four special abilities are centered around lightning. Your companion Cidolfus Telamon is Dominant on Ramuh. Here are his abilities:

  • Judgement Bolt: This ability summons a mighty lightning bolt from the heaven above you. This can deal massive damage to a single target within your range.
  • Lightning Rod: A ball of lightning is created. Once it hits an enemy, it will chain more lightnings to other opponents. So it's a great ability against groups of enemies.
  • Pile Drive: This ability allows you to drive Ramuh's staff into the ground, which will electrify all enemies within a radius of the strike.
  • Blind Justice: This ability launches a barrage of ball lightning at a single or at multiple targets. These targets get determined by locking onto them before casting the Blind Justice. The balls of lightning will affix themselves to the enemies, dealing additional damage.

Titan Abilities

Titan might be the biggest Eikon in Final Fantasy, as the name already hints at. The character Hugo Kupka is dominant on Titan. We know of five special abilities so far. These abilities are:

  • Upheaval: This ability lets you slam a fist to the ground, dealing damage to all opponents within range. Holding the button while doing so increases the range. Upheaval can be used in midair.
  • Windup: This ability is a strong punch, which can also be made stronger by holding down the button.
  • Raging Fists: You will step forward and deliver a blinding series of high-speed punches. If you're able to block an enemy attack while stepping forward, the potency of your punches will be increased.
  • Titanic Block: This ability allows you to block incoming enemy attacks. When an attack is blocked on time, Titanic Block can be used to launch up to three counterattacks.
  • Earthen Fury: Titan will slam both of his hands into the ground, which sends your enemies nearby flying and causing the land to surge upwards.
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Intense battles are guaranteed with all these new abilities. |© Square Enix

How To Upgrade Your Skills and Abilities

Final Fantasy 16 Ability Menu
The ability Screen in Final Fantasy 16. | © Square Enix

Upgrading your skills and abilities is a vital thing to do in Final Fantasy 16. And a very easy one. First, you need Ability Points, which you can gather by defeating enemies or completing quests. One option to check for missions is on the Hunt Board.

To learn a skill, open the ability tab in the menu. There you can see the amount of Ability points you possess. Now choose a skill that you want to upgrade. Make sure you have enough Ability Points to do so and hold down the button. And don't be afraid if you think you've chosen the wrong skill to upgrade. Later in Final Fantasy 16 you will be able to reset them.

So there you have it, all known Eikon abilities and how to upgrade them. We're looking forward to the release of the game, to see all these abilities in action. And were very sure, that we can expect even more abilities and skills in the full game.

Henning Paul
Henning Paul