Lies of P: All Stats Explained

Lies of P has a multitude of different stats. Some are more straightforward than others. Therefore, it can be helpful knowing which one contributes to what. Here is a list of all Lies of P stats explained.

Lies of P Legion Arms
All Lies of P stats esplained | ©Neowiz

Lies of P is a challenging game, especially if you're a fan of games like Sekiro and Bloodborne. Enemies are tough, blocking requires precision, and the game throws lots of stats at you without much explanation. But understanding these stats is crucial for making your journey smoother and taking on those tough bosses.

All Stats In Lies of P Explained

In Lies of P, there are many stats to wrap your head around, but they aren't always clear. You've got six default stats, six common abilities, and various defensive stats that you can improve through leveling up or choosing specific equipment.

Default Abilities In Lies of P

These are your core stats that shape your character. You can boost these by talking to Sophia at Hotel Krat.

1. Vitality

  • Boosts your Health and Guard Regain
  • More health and better blocking, important for survival

2. Vigor

  • Tied to Stamina
  • Allows longer sprints and attack chains

3. Capacity

  • Increases Weight and Legion
  • Carrying better gear benefits from higher Capacity

4. Motivity

  • Affects weapon attack power, especially heavy weapons

5. Technique

  • Also affects weapon attack power but suits lighter, faster weapons

6. Advance

  • Influences weapon damage and Legion usage, often tied to elemental weapons
  • Increasing these stats also slightly boosts your defenses and status resistances

Common Abilities In Lies of P

These abilities are connected to your default stats.

1. HP

  • Your health; when it's gone, you die

2. Stamina

  • Used for sprinting and attacks
  • Heavier attacks use more stamina

3. Legion

  • Powers Legion Arms
  • More Legion means more usage before needing a refill

4. Weight

  • Determines how fast you move
  • Staying below 60% of your maximum weight is vital

5. Fable Slot

  • Required for Fable Arts linked to your weapons
  • Upgrade with P-Organ

6. Guard Regain

  • Shows how much health you recover by attacking after blocking
  • Fades over time

Defensive Stats In Lies of P

These stats are influenced by your gear and slightly by your default stats

1. Physical

  • Resistance to non-elemental damage
  • No status effect here

2. Fire & Electric Blitz

  • Resistance to elemental damage and related status ailments.

3. Acid

  • Boosted by Converters
  • Helps resist acid damage and effects

4. Disruption & Shock

  • Resistance to specific status ailments
  • No damage types here

5. Break

  • Enhanced by Cartridges
  • Aids in resisting break-related effects

6. Slash & Strike

  • Resistance against slash and strike damage types
  • Not tied to elements

7. Pierce

  • Strengthened by Liners
  • Helps resist pierce damage

Understanding these stats will guide your character's growth and help you plan for tougher battles, especially against those challenging bosses. So, get out there and conquer Lies of P with your newfound knowledge!

Jonathan Rossbach

Jonathan has over 2.1k hours in Counter-Strike, but has just as much love for other shooters, as well as sports- and simulation games. He enjoys playing FIFA, F1, Valorant, Minecraft or the good old Euro Truck Simulator. ...