Lies of P: New Game Plus Explained

Finishing Lies of P for the first time doesn't mean the game is done. Since it's storyline changes on your decisions, having multiple playthroughs is a possibility. With New Game Plus you can start a new playthrough with some of your items being brought along, making the start a bit easier. Here is all you need to know on New Game Plus in Lies of P

Lies of P blue butterfly
Are you ready for New Game Plus in Lies of P? | ©Neowiz

So, you've conquered the world of Lies of P once, but are you ready to dive back in for more? New Game Plus (NG+) in Lies of P offers you just that opportunity. In this guide, we'll delve into what NG+ means in this game and what you can expect. Be prepared for some spoilers ahead!

Lies of P: How To Switch & Upgrade Legion Arms

Lies of P New Game Plus Explained

NG+, also known as New Game Plus, is a feature you can unlock in Lies of P after completing the main campaign at least once. It lets you start a new game while retaining some elements from your previous playthrough.

These carried-over elements include your Level, Skills, Items, and more. However, some key items, especially those crucial to the story, won't make the cut.

What Carries Over to New Game Plus?

Here's what you get to keep in your NG+ adventure:

  • Weapons
  • Ergo Currency
  • Costumes
  • Amulets
  • Gestures
  • Defense Parts
  • Legion Arms
  • Records
  • Player Level and Stats
  • P-Organ Upgrades
  • All Items except for Key Items and Recollection Items tied to specific quests

Stargazer features:

  • Level Up
  • Switch Legion Arm
  • Assemble Weapon
  • Switch Grindstone
  • Switch the Cube's Wishstone
  • Use Storage

What Doesn't Carry Over to New Game Plus?

Unfortunately, not everything gets a free pass to NG+. These items won't be inherited:

  • All Collectibles, except for Records
  • Key Items and Recollection items related to quests and main story progression
  • Krat Supply Boxes
  • Venigni Collections

Lies of P: All Stats Explained

Gameplay Changes in New Game Plus

As you embark on your NG+ journey, you'll notice a few gameplay tweaks:

At the start, before you enter Krat Central Station, the worktable becomes “Geppetto's Tools.” Here, you can “Switch Legion Arm,” “Modify Legion Arm,” and “Activate P-Organ.” This change only occurs in NG+. In your initial playthrough, you'd select your starting class at this point.

Does the World Reset in New Game Plus?

Yes, like other Souls-like games, the world resets in NG+. You'll have to start from scratch, progressing through the story and unlocking extra features and NPCs along the way. Lies of P boasts three endings, so it's advisable to make different choices for varied conclusions.

Can I Respec My Upgrades in New Game Plus?

Absolutely! As you begin your new playthrough, you'll find yourself at the game's beginning, with P awakened by the blue fairy, Sophia. You'll receive a prompt asking if you want to reset the P-Organ. By choosing “OK,” you'll reset all upgrades, regaining the total number of Quartz you've spent.

Additionally, you'll encounter new loot, including enhanced versions of Defense Parts and more. These items can be found in chests, dropped by enemies and bosses, or purchased from Merchants.

Other Changes in New Game Plus

Here are additional changes to expect in NG+:

  • P acquires more Ergo from defeating Enemies and Bosses
  • Regular Enemies and Bosses inflict increased damage and have more health
  • Upgraded or +1 versions of certain equipment items (e.g., Defense Parts, Amulets) drop from enemies, appear in loot chests, and are available in Merchant inventories.

The desk at the end of the train car, where you initially chose your Combat Memory or Combat Style, transforms into a table with Geppetto's Tools. Interacting with it allows you to Switch Legion Arm, Modify Legion Arm, or Activate P-Organ, unlocking abilities and adding passive upgrades.

Now that you're equipped with knowledge about NG+ in Lies of P, you're ready to embark on a fresh journey, armed with the power of experience. Remember that NG+ unlocks after you've completed the campaign, so check our guides on acquiring more Pulse Cells and on the best combat style. Happy gaming!

Jonathan Rossbach

Jonathan has over 2.1k hours in Counter-Strike, but has just as much love for other shooters, as well as sports- and simulation games. He enjoys playing FIFA, F1, Valorant, Minecraft or the good old Euro Truck Simulator. ...