Here are all dragon paths and locations in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – use our map to quickly find Naydra, Dinraal, Farosh & The Light Dragon in Hyrule and the depths. Furthermore, we'll give you an explanation on how to tackle the dragons' individual defense abilities.
There is so much to explore in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and during your travels you might stumble upon one of the four majestic dragons inhabiting Hyrule: Naydra, Dinraal, Farosh and The Light Dragon. They have some important materials you need for upgrading your armors, cooking elixirs or fusions with weapons. So here is a guide where you can find the four dragons and safely approach them.
You can get materials from the dragons by hitting them with your bow on specific spots on their body. Depending on where you hit a dragon, it will give you something else to work with:
Location | Material |
Body | Scale |
Paws | Claw |
Horns | Horn |
Mouth | Fang |
The dragons need 24 hours in game to regenerate, whatever you took from them. So don't think you can get 10 scales at once!
Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Dragon Path Map
Every one of the four dragons has their own path of traveling around Hyrule. The three elemental ones can be found doing smaller circles, while being above and below ground. On the other side, the Light Dragon can only be found in the sky.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom: Missing A Certain Shrine? Here's How To Find It
Here is a map with all the paths marked:

Now you know the paths of the four dragons – however, the mighty creatures won't make it easy for you to reach them. Instead, the dragons have some unique abilities that you should be aware of and prepare yourself for.
So here's what you need to know about every single dragon in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – How To Get The Full Climbing Gear
Naydra is the Dragon of Ice, which means you need either warm clothes or warm food to get close to it. He emerges from the chasm by Mount Lanayru and travels around Hateno up to the Kakariko village chasm. In the Depths he completes the circle back to the mountain.
Get ready for some stormy weather, while you chase the Lightning Dragon Farosh. He throws small and slow balls of lightning at you, when you get too close, so get ready to dodge them. His path start at the East Gerudo chasm and does a wide circle to the chasm at Deya Lake. Beneath the ground he mirrors this back to his first chasm.
With the Link (Tears of the Kingdom) amiibo you can get a cool looking paraglider design for traveling all around Hyrule to find the dragons.
Now it's getting hot with Dinraal, the Dragon of Fire. Make sure to have something to guard you against getting burned alive before meeting him, otherwise Link will get barbecued. He is the only dragon to travel counterclockwise starting at the chasm in the East Akkala Plains.
From there he flies around the volcano near the edge of the map until he dives into the Drenan Highlands Chasm northwest of the Lost Woods. Now he just travels in a straight line back to the start in the Depths.
Light Dragon
The Light Dragon is the special case, as she is the only dragon that does not go into the Depths at all. Instead, she flies around Hyrule in a circle with lots of extra curves. Her journey takes around two hours to complete.
At the beginning of the game the dragon will be very high up, and you have to so some things to trigger her to come down a bit and make an approach easier. When you do get close to her, you don't have to worry about her hurting you like the others, as the Light Dragon has no special defense system.
If you want to find out even more about the game, check out the Complete Official Guide!
And these are all the dragons and their paths across Hyrule. Hopefully you'll find them easier now and can get to farm their materials more efficiently.
Some world bosses in Tears of the Kingdom can beat you up pretty bad. Here is a little tip from us for beating the Gleeoks fast and easy:
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