Lies of P: DLC, Sequel & Gameplay Updates Announced

Developers NEOWIZ are clearly eager to make the most of their Soulslike's surprising success, as a new video by the game's director outlines plenty of future plans for the game.

Lies of p main
The new kid on the Soulsborne block managed to win over players with solid fundamentals and a charmingly victorian setting. | © NEOWIZ

The Soulslike genre has gotten pretty crowded in recent years, with many different development studios trying to find their own versions of the FromSoftware formula. But few have gotten as close to getting it right as NEOWIZ's gothic Pinocchio retelling Lies of P , which released to rave reviews in August 2023. NEOWIZ don't seem satisfied with resting on their laurels though: The game's director, Ji Won Choi, posted a short video yesterday in which he revealed that significant gameplay changes are coming and DLC and a sequel are already in the works.

I really do recommend watching the video yourself, if only to watch him struggle to remove his oversized mask:

But in case you're not able to for whatever reason, here is a summary of everything that was announced in it!

Lies of P: Gameplay Changes

Lies of P shovel
Having a developer address feedback this directly is honestly refreshing! | © NEOWIZ

Lies of P features a fairly unique weapon system: Players can disassemble any weapon they find into its blade and handle and then freely combine those parts with those of other weapons, creating new weapons with different stats and abilities. However, apparently the developers received feedback that certain combinations aren't currently as viable as others, so the game's next major patch will include some weapon balance changes.

Moreover, players have been complaining about getting hitstunned to death by certain enemies in early sections of the game. To alleviate this issue the developers are making the Rising Dodge, a previously unlockable skill which allows players to dodge attacks while downed, a default skill instead.

The next major patch for Lies of P will also introduce a new facial accessory slot, allowing players to wear glasses and hats or masks at the same time!

Lies of P: DLC And Sequel Plans

Lies of P DLC Concept
The new DLC areas look like they're from two entirely different games. | © NEOWIZ

As for new Lies of P content, the game's director shared a few morsels of information already. Apparently their team is already hard at work, and although no gameplay footage was shown the video does contain a glimpse of two pieces of early concept art. They seem to show some kind of frozen-over abandoned factory and a shipyard. Your guess is as good as mine when it comes to how these two areas could be connected in a single DLC.

The director also briefly mentioned that a sequel for the game is already in the works. This wasn't elaborated on, so I'm sure it's still in the early planning stages. The fact that a sequel is planned should come as little surprise to anyone considering the first game's success, but I'm sure fans are happy to have this confirmation.

I admittedly haven't found the time to explore Lies of P's ruined streets and environs myself yet (and every major overhaul of the game makes me think that holding off for now isn't the worst idea), but the game director's enthusiasm for what his team has created is almost infectious! Seeing the passion behind this project makes me want to put the game on my short list — and has me feeling very optimistic for its future.

Leonhard Kuehnel

When Leo isn’t busy playing the best videogame you’ve never heard of, he uses his knowledge to report on the latest news in the gaming industry. Never ask him how long his backlog is, though, you won’t like the answer....