LoL Meets Tekken: Everthing You Need To Know About "The Tournament of Souls" Metagame

There is a lot to look forward to in League of Legends! The big Soul Fighter summer event is coming up, and with it, we'll not only the new Arena Mode, but also a whole new in-client meta game! Let's take a look at it.

Soul Fighter Sett Splash
This is no regular League of Legends event: A new champ, new game mode and even a new meta game! | © Riot Games

The Soul Fighter event in League of Legends kicked off this week, and we're pretty hyped about it! Whenever there's an event in League of Legends, the skins are usually the main highlight, but not this time.

This time around, we'll not only get our skins, but also a new champ, a whole new game mode, and an in-client meta game!

"What is that?", you might ask yourself – well, we're here to tell you! Since Riot decided to end support for 32-bit systems earlier this year, developers have way more freedom when it comes to event features, especially concerning the client. This led to the "Tournament of Souls" fighting game, which is available for all of us to play, starting July 20!

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Tournament of Souls: Compete As Samira

Metagame in Soul Fighter event
One matchup you will encounter during the Tournament of Souls. Can you recognize Samira's challenger? | © Riot Games

We could've guessed it: Samira is the Tournament's big star, and we'll be able to take down every opponent on our way to victory! The gameplay is pretty straight forward: All you need to use are your Q, W, E and R buttons, so nothing new here!

You won't be able to move your character on your own, and Samira auto-attacks by herself as long as you are not using any of your abilities. Still, there are some interesting combos you can hit by timing your abilities well and switching between sword and guns.

Let's take a look at Samira's initial abilities:

  • Q - Quickshot
    • Fire a fast shot for 160 damage. When used to change weapons, fires twice.
  • W - Sky Scraper
    • Upward slash for 230 damage that sends the enemy airborne.
  • E - Severe Strike
    • Stab forward for 265 damage inflicting wounded for 4s. If the enemy is bleeding, refresh the bleed duration.
  • R - Chaotic Daybreak
    • Chaotic Daybreak - Increase crit chance from 25% to 75% for 10s, and unleash a torrent of shots for 700 damage.

Winning is pretty straight-forward as well. Reduce your enemies' health bar to zero before they do the same with you. Keep an eye on the timer, though, since you will lose if you can't defeat your enemy in the given time.

We said "initial abilities" since you will be able to upgrade and change Samira's abilities over the course of the "Tournament of Souls" story mode. Whenever you progress, you will earn "Reputation" and unlock access to different abilities for your Q, W, E and R.

LoL Tournament of Souls Mini Game: All Characters

Samira vs Jhin Soul Fighter
If this isn't Samira getting ready to shoot Jhin in the face, I don't know anymore... | © Riot Games

According to the lore, the Soul Fighters are a group of daredevil fighters, competing in the so-called "Tournament of Souls". Whoever wins said tournament, will be granted "the deepest desire of their soul".

Sounds pretty exciting already, doesn't it? But who is part of this group of champions, ready to give it their all? Who can we choose to compete against in the "Tournament of Souls" metagame?

We believe that whether you play on phone or on PC, you will be able to go up against the complete roster of Soul Fighters, not only the ones releasing on your platform of choice.

These are the Soul Fighters you will challenge as Samira:

ChampionRep RequiredRewards
  • Soul Fighter God's Eye Icon
  • Q - Piercing Precision
  • 30 Event Shop Tokens
  • E - Twilight Rush
  • W - Back Atcha
  • W - Blade Drain
  • 30 Event Shop Tokens
  • Q - Deadshot
  • E - Style on 'Em
  • R - Immortal Inferno


  • 30 Event Shop Tokens
  • Random SF Champion Shard: Gwen, Lux, Naafiri, Jhin, Pyke, Evelynn, Sett, Shaco, Viego, Samira

There you have it! Ten champions and one mystery competitor to challenge in the "Tournament of Souls" meta game. From our first impressions, the gameplay doesn't seem too difficult, but the artwork and production seems to be top-notch.

So if you're hyped about the Project L game that is currently in development by Riot Games, this might be the first hands-on experience on what Riot is capable of when it comes to designing fighting games.

Put a big red circle around July 20, 2023 in your calendar, since this will be the day when we will all be able to try out "Tournament of Souls" ourselves!

Lasse Lindner

Lasse is one of EarlyGame's leading experts on League of Legends, covering the game for this website as well as Riftfeed. Playing LoL since 2015, he covers everything from patch notes to esports news for both the English and German sites....