LoL Patch 13.13 Will Adjust Long Forgotten Champion

In the upcoming LoL Patch 13.13 Riot is finally going to give some attention to a long forgotten champion by buffing them and adding multiple quality of life changes to their kit.

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LoL Patch 13.13 is going to have a huge impact. | © Riot Games

Some League of Legends champions get more love than others from Riot, that much is certain. While Yuumi and Zeri are on rework number five hundred at this point, other champs are left to the wayside and completely forgotten. Either because they don't have a huge player base or are just that bad that no one plays them even if they like them.

Now, in LoL Patch 13.13, the balance team is going to finally tackle one of these champions that's been suffering in silence. But will these quality of life changes be enough to bring her into relevancy, both in pro play or solo queue?


LoL Patch 13.13 Is Adding Major QoL Buffs For Zyra

Crystal Rose Zyra and Swain
Zyra is finally getting buffs in LoL Patch 13.13. | © Riot Games

Zyra hasn't been a meta champion in what feels like forever. She's very niche, with a few players picking her because she's the only champion they play. One-trick ponies have been calling on Riot to help Zyra out and it seems that the first steps are finally being taken.

Zyra's kit is different from any other, with the key to success being her seeds and plants which deal poke damage. Unfortunately, her plants are also extremely fragile, something Riot is looking to fix with these quality of life changes.


Her early game is also getting some love with additional seeds with the first rank up of her W - Rampant Growth. Her ultimate and root are also being adjusted to give her more survivability, since she is also a very squishy support in the bot lane without any mobility.

Full List of Zyra Changes in Patch 13.13

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Garden of Thorns (P)

  • Plant Damage taken from AoE Spells: 4 >>> 3
  • Plant Damage to Monsters: 150% damage to non-epic monsters >>> 40-100 bonus magic damage (scaling with level) to all monsters

Rampant Growth (W)

  • Seeds on first Rankup: 1 >>> 2

Imagine they made more of these steel League of Legends weapon figurines and add in Zyra's plants!

Grasping Roots (E)

  • [ADJUSTED] No longer locks out flash during the cast


Stranglethorns (R)

  • Cast Paradigm: Walk to Position >>> Cast at Max Range
  • Missile Damage Update Cadence: 4/s >>> 16/s

Fans Believe More Zyra Changes Are Needed

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While these are great initial changes to her kit that will help Zyra out, the community still believes that there is more to be done and that Riot should be working on some more changes to update her kit.

Riot Phlox who revealed these quality of life changes on Twitter also agreed with Zyra mains, stating that this isn't the be-all and end-all of Zyra changes. Therefore, there could be some more changes and buffs in her future, but the team wanted to bring something out to help her out for now.

Along with Zyra, Xerath is also getting some adjustments this patch, but there are likely more champion buffs and nerfs to hit the rift in LoL Patch 13.13.

Ignacio Weil

Content creator for EarlyGame ES and connoisseur of indie and horror games! From the Dreamcast to PC, Ignacio has always had a passion for niche games and story-driven experiences....