LoL B-Patch 12.12b All Buffs and Nerfs [Update]

With LoL Patch 12.12 being a 3-week patch, Riot is implementing a small b-patch to go live halfway through it with a few changes to overtuned and weak champions.

Debonair Leona
Leona buffs incoming. | © Riot Games

League of Legends Patch 12.12 is going to be a three-week patch, according to the official League of Legends patch schedule. Because of this elongated patch, we will be getting a small b-patch that should go live on June 30, 2022. I guess Riot thinks a 56% win rate for Seraphine is worth a nerf...

But all jokes aside, there are a few champions that were hit a little too hard in the last patch and will be getting some buffs, while others are being cut down. So, what are the changes Riot is planning for this b-patch 12.12? Here are all the details.


Champion Changes in B-Patch 12.12b

All Champion Buffs in Patch 12.12b

First of all, we have to check out the champion buffs that the B-Patch will bring in the coming days. Shaco is still feeling pretty weak, even after some adjustments at the start of League of Legends Patch 12.12. All we ask of Riot is not to overbuff him and make him a constant in all our solo queue matches, please and thank you.

  • Passive - Backstab
    • AD Ratio 15% --> 25%
  • Q - Deceive
    • AD Ratio 40% --> 50%
  • W - Jack in the Box
    • Cooldown 16s --> 15s
    • Duration P Ratio 5% --> 10%
  • Passive - Voracity
    • AP Ratio: 55% - 88% --> 65% - 95%
  • Q - Bouncing Blade
    • Damage: 75 - 195+30% AP > 80 - 200+35% AP
  • R - Death Lotus
    • On-hit modifier: 28%-35% > 30%-40%
    • AD Ratio per Dagger 16% +16% per 70% bonus AS --> 18% + 18% per 60% bonus AS
  • Passive - Headshot
    • Damage: 50-100% total AD --> 60-110% total AD
  • W - Yordle Snap Trap
    • Bonus Headshot Damage: 60-240 (+40-1200% bonus AD) --> 40-220 (+40-80% bonus AD)
  • Passive - Sunlight
    • Damage 25+7/lvl --> 32+8/lvl

Leona has also been feeling a bit weak, which as a tank support, shouldn't be, especially after the durability update. So, to make her the number one support once more, Riot is going to give her a few buffs. A world where Leona isn't number one? Doesn't exist in the eyes of Riot.

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All Champion Nerfs in Patch 12.12b

This list is much longer for the mid-patch update than the buffs list, with champions like Seraphine sporting a 56% win rate in the bot lane and Bel'Veth continuing to make everyone's life hell by slapping the literal sh*t out of anyone and everyone who gets in her way. The lavender sea has swept the rift since her debut, eh?

  • Base Stats
    • AD Growth: 2 --> 1.7
    • Health Growth 105 --> 99
  • E - Royal Maelstrom
    • Cooldown: 22-14s --> 22-16s
    • Lifesteal: 20-26% --> 20% all ranks
  • R - Endless Banquet
    • Bonus Health Ratio: 165% bonus AD -->120% Bonus AD
  • Base Stats
    • Health: 560 --> 530
  • Q - Piercing Darkness
    • Base Damage: 40-160 --> 30-170
  • W - Last Embrace
    • Root Duration: 1.25-2.25s --> 1-2s
Tahm Kench
  • Base Stats
    • Health Growth: 109 --> 103
  • Passive - An Acquired Taste
    • Bonus Magic Damage Ratio: 4% bonus health --> 3% bonus health
  • R - Lightning Crash
    • Bonus Movement Speed: 1% --> 0.5%
  • E - Nimbus Strike
    • 160% Damgage to monsters --> 120% Damage to monsters
  • R - Cyclone
    • Cooldown: 120-90s --> 130-90s
  • Passive - Stage Presence
    • AP Ratio: 6-9% --> 7%
  • E - Beat Drop
    • Crowd Control Duration 1.5s --> 1.25s
  • Passive - Bop'n'Block
    • Bonus Range: 50 --> 0

Zeri seems to be getting the Samira treatment, getting nerfed each patch until she is completely unplayable. Seriously, how many patches in a row has she been nerfed now? The bot lane Tahm Kench dream also seems to be coming to an end, eh?


When is B-Patch 12.12b Releasing?

The b-patch should hit live servers around June 30, 2022. So, if you're looking to play some Seraphine games to get that sweet LP in your solo queue games, you'll have to do so quickly before Riot nerfs her to hell and back. Of course, you can also just pick Bel'Veth and keep on winning as well, since no one knows how to properly counter her yet.

Patch 12.13 is going to release on July 13, 2022 and with it, we are going to be receiving the first batch of Star Guardian skins, as well as Nilah the newest bot laner. So it's a good thing that Riot is also releasing this b-patch, so we can be prepared for the new meta of Nilah, right?


Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....