Resident Evil 2 Remake Too Modern? This Mod Brings Back 90's Experience With Fixed Cameras & Tank Controls

You think you've done everything in the Resident Evil 2 Remake? Then play the whole thing again with fixed cameras and tank controls!

Re2r fixed camera mod
This mod brings back the original feeling of RE2. | © Capcom/alphaZomega/EarlyGame

The remake of Resident Evil 2 made one of the best survival horror titles accessible to a new generation. Not only newcomers loved it, but also longtime fans were thrilled by the new experience, which still stayed true to the original.

However, one thing the remake completely changed from the 1998 game was the camera. In many older survival horror games, the camera is fixed, giving the gameplay a completely different feeling compared to the now common third-person camera, which hovers over the protagonist's shoulder and can be controlled by the player.

In the original Resident Evil 2, you were also limited to fixed camera angles, which gave the game a special horror touch. Want to know how that felt back then? Then you should check out this mod for the Resident Evil 2 Remake.

Mod For RE2 Remake Brings Back OG Experience

RE fan alpaZomegareleased a mod that adds over 1700 fixed cameras to the game, allowing players to view their protagonist through them.

When starting the game, you will see your character from the point of view of a mounted / fixed camera cinematically pointed at the scene. Then when trying to walk out of frame, it will change to another camera based on your new location, with the camera angles transitioning to one another in a seamless sequence that will follow you wherever you go.

YouTuber Residence of Evil showcased the mod in a video, where you can see excellently how it all plays out.

You can see how he fights his way as Leon through the opening scene at the gas station and the inferno on the streets of Racoon City. Some of the camera angles are very close to those in the original RE2.

What you also can see are the aiming aids that the modder has incorporated. With the help of laser sights, it should be easier for you to hit your enemies while playing this mod. You can try out several auto-aim options that were also available in the original.

Re2r mod aim
The laser sights help you aim. | © Capcom/alphaZomega

This should be particularly helpful because the fixed cameras also change the control of your character. The mod uses default camera-relative tank-style controls. Your character moves in the direction you move the stick, regardless of which direction they are facing. With the other stick, you control how your character turns, which is why it's called Tank Controls.

This type of control scheme is probably very unfamiliar to many players, as it is rarely used in modern games. To make it easier for you, you can adjust the control of the mod according to your preferences.

If you want my opinion: I'm totally hooked. I loved the old Resident Evil games and have come to love this type of camera "guidance" as well. You feel much more exposed to the game because you have less control. Sometimes you literally can't see the horrors in front of the character as they walk towards the camera.

While we wait for more remakes and new entries in the series, the modding community keeps providing us with insane content. Now we just need a Code Veronica remake, and I'll be happy.

Marie-Lena Höftmann

After a childhood full of videogames, Miffy devoted herself to her greatest passion within her academic studies. Aside from science, she has spent too many hours in Dead by Daylight, loves to shred through Souls-likes or chills in Animal Crossing....