Ridiculous Prices: These Are The Most Expensive Steam Games

Gamers are always on the lookout for a bargain. But what about the games that are the exact opposite?

Steam most expensive game
The most expensive game on Steam costs almost $1000. | © Fury Games/freepik/EarlyGame

Let's be honest: Each of us has at some point grumbled about the prices of video games. Not least because some titles hide additional content behind a paywall even after the purchase of the base game, whether in the form of paid DLCs or in-game purchases. But when you look at the prices of the following games, you'll be quite happy with what most games charge.

The Most Expensive Games On Steam Will Set You Back Nearly $1000 Each

Steam base most expensive games
The 3 games on top of the list are ridiculously expensive. | © Steambase

On Steam itself and on the third-party site Steambase, you can view a list of the most expensive games available on the platform. However, since the pricing of software on Steam varies from place to place, so your list might look different from ours.

#1 + #2 The Leverage Game ($999.98)

The leverage game
The Leverage Game is a roulette simulator. | © A&S Inc.

You'll probably notice that the first two games are essentially the same game. The only difference is that the Business Edition of The Leverage Game does not support an online PvP mode. Too bad, I would have liked to play it with other wealthy people.

But what do you actually do in The Leverage Game? It seems that the game is actually a board game where players become successful business managers using a roulette wheel. It is supposed to act as some sort of business coach. According to the game's description, Leverage Game Nights are still being held around the world to this day. However, looking at the price on Steam, I somehow doubt that this was a wise business decision. The game was released in August 2023, and so far, there isn't a single review. I wonder why that might be?

#3 Ascent Free-Roaming VR Experience ($999)

Ascent vr gaming exp
Ascent Free-Roaming VR Experience is an expensive experience. | © Fury Games

The reason why this VR game is so expensive, actually makes sense. It was developed for haptic feedback via motion floors, bodysuits, and climate control. If that really works, it would explain the $999 price tag. Too bad then, that you need to have all that stuff first to enjoy these features. And of course, enough space.

In the game, you have to work together with other players to clear the FuriCorp research facility of its infestation. Along the way, you encounter bosses with various abilities that shake the ground beneath your feet. You also are able to feel the grasp of enemies, if you have a bodysuit.

The game was released back in 2019 and has 7 user reviews. 6 of them say, "Not bad." You can draw your own conclusions from that. The only dissenting review recommends the game only if you enjoy burning money and being disappointed.

Honorable Mention: Magic Pot&ter Battlegrounds ($199.99)

Magic potter battlegrounds
There even is Sen's Fortress in the game! | © Hede

If the top titles on the list were too expensive for you, I have a real bargain for you. Magic Pot&ter Battlegrounds costs a mere $199.99 and has everything a good game needs.

The description teases, that you'll fight against others online, stumble through mazes with traps, enter the world of magic, and have to rebuild a destroyed castle. What could possibly be wrong with that?

Since 2021, the game's Early Access has been available on Steam and has received 5 reviews so far. User DR!FTER writes: "Normally I'd try to balance pros and cons but I can't find a single positive aspect to the game besides graphics."

Apart from the nonsensical controls, the biggest problem is that nobody plays this game, so PvP is not really possible. Who would have thought that no one would grab it at that price?

It seems these games aren't really worth what they ask for in terms of money. Fortunately, the truly good games are usually affordable, and sometimes they're even free.

Ignacio Weil

Content creator for EarlyGame ES and connoisseur of indie and horror games! From the Dreamcast to PC, Ignacio has always had a passion for niche games and story-driven experiences....