Frozen 3 & 4 Are In The Works: Release Date, Theories & More

Frozen 3 has been greenlit and Frozen 4 as well, while we're at it. Anna and Elsa still got stuff to do, it seems, even though some people are not sure why exactly that's necessary... nevertheless, we've got everything you need to know about the upcoming Frozen sequels!

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Frozen 3 is greenlit. Why, though? | © Disney

Let me get one thing straight before we dive in: I love Frozen. I love everything about it. I love the characters and the music, and I've got a Frozen picture frame on my desk, I unironically still song Let It Go when something mildly inconvenient happens and whenever I see my niece, we watch both movies. Not because she's a kid and wants to, but because I'm an adult woman and want to, and she indulges me.

I love Frozen, I love everything Frozen-related, and yet I am worried about another sequel, let alone two. In early 2023, Disney announced that they're working on Frozen 3 (along with Zootopia 2). Frozen 3 is set to come out in 2026 – probably a winter release again.

Not Only Frozen 3, But Also Frozen 4 Might Be In The Works

What we lack in a concrete release date, Disney CEO Bob Iger made up for in a surprising tease on Good Morning America: "There might be a Frozen 4 in the works."

Jennifer Lee, creator of Frozen 1 and 2, is apparently working on not only one, but two more stories. Should be good news, right? Well, I'm not sure.

As I said, even as a huge Frozen fan, another movie makes me anxious and two do even more. Why? Because even Jennifer Lee, Frozen director, has been unsure of sequels in the past. And I'm scared one of my favorite Disney franchises will go down the drain for the sake of profit.

"Right Now, I Feel Very Done."

In an interview with Deadline, Jennifer Lee shared that after Frozen 2, she pictured the movie to be the conclusion to Anna's and Elsa's story:

I know this sounds crazy, but I’m still hoping we did right by Frozen 2. I’m still in that overwhelming position of, our kids just went out to the world. Everything feels final, but also bittersweet. Time will tell if we have more story to tell, or if anyone even wants it. So, there you have it. [laughs] Right now, I feel very done.

Granted, that was in 2019, so apparently she has changed her mind on the matter, sharing with The Hollywood Reporter that she's "blown away and so excited" for Frozen 3. And while that sparks hope, there's still one question remaining: Why?

Frozen 3 complete gang
They had their happy ending, don't you think? | © Disney

Frozen 3: What Could It Be About?

Since the announcement of Frozen 3, fans have been going crazy with their theories, their hopes for the sequel and, more importantly, what they wouldn't like to see. Controversial topic number one: Elsa's future.

There have been countless discussions about where Elsa is headed – is she gonna end up alone, but live a magic life as the Fifth Spirit? Is she going to get a romantic interest? A popular theory is that she's going to grow closer to Honeymaren from Frozen 2 – and whether that will be romantic or platonic in nature is another topic people like to argue about.

Frozen has never primarily been about romantic interests, rather highlighting platonic love between sisters and found family. Changing that up by potentially focusing on Elsa getting a partner is a nightmare for many Frozen fans. Keep in mind, though: this is all just speculation, and people like to expect the worst. (Guilty as charged, myself.)

Others are hoping for a movie about Kristoff's origin story. That could tie in really well if the magic lore of Frozen's world is going to be explored in Frozen 3, as we already know he's got his history with the trolls. With Kristoff officially marrying into Arendelle's royal family, becoming the Prince Consort to Anna's new responsibility as Queen, a few struggles to fit in are pretty likely. But Frozen has always been about Anna and Elsa first, so dedicating a movie to Kristoff might not be the way to go.

Frozen 3 Anna and Kristoff Sled
In loving memory of the "Size doesn't matter" joke | © Disney

There's basically one thing most people can agree on, even though nearly every other topic is highly debatable. If Frozen 3 brings back Hans with a redemption arc, people are going to riot. The whole villain topic is a controversial one as well, as both Frozen 1 and 2 got by just fine without a bad guy in the classic sense. Sure, Hans was a textbook narcissist, but he was far from a traditional Disney villain.

You get the gist of it: there are limited possibilities of plot threads to follow for Frozen 3 that have been set up in previous movies, leading to people imagining their worst case scenarios for a beloved franchise. On the other hand, trust in the geniuses behind the movies might go a long way.

Frozen 3 & 4 Could Tie In Together

With the latest news about Frozen 4 already being in the works alongside Frozen 3, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to think, "Hey, those two might be connected." We could have a Beyond the Spider-Verse situation at hand with a story that's a bit too long for just one movie.

The call to split an elaborate story into two movies instead of butchering it down to a less comprehensible version for the sake of a shorter runtime is, in most cases, a call I support. Still, the fear of the sequels being a cash grab remains, but chances are that I'm just a little bit paranoid after witnessing lots of great stories die right before my eyes for money's sake (looking at you, latest Star Wars trilogy).

So, don't let a pessimist like me ruin the news of possibly two more Frozen movies coming out. Jennifer Lee and her team did a great job with the first two, so there's no reason to doubt them now.

Tanja Haimerl

Tanja is obsessed with gripping stories in all kinds of media: games, TV shows and books alike. She did her Bachelor's thesis on The Last of Us, got her degree in media studies thanks to that and can't stop talking about it....