Nothing To See Here: Cyberpunk Release Wasn't That Bad According To CDPR

The Cyberpunk 2077 release might have been one of the biggest gaming disasters ever. But according to CD Project Red, it wasn't that bad.

Cyberpunk 2077
The Cyberpunk 2077 release wasnt that bad according to CD Project Red. | ©CD Projekt REd

Cyberpunk 2077 might have been one of the most hyped and anticipated games ever. But when it was released, a huge shit storm across all platforms followed. Glitches, bugs and broken design haunted the game for months. Now nearly three years after the events, CD Projekt's Vice President of PR, Michał Platkow-Gilewski, talked about it in an interview.

And his opinion about the launch doesn't really correspond with the views of the community.

Cyberpunk Release Wasn't That Bad According To CDPR

With the upcoming Cyberpunk DLC "Phantom Liberty" on the Horizon, talked to Platkow-Gilewski about the launch of Cyberpunk 2077 as well. And he got some interesting things to say about these events. Especially about the time immediately after the release and the following shit storm.

"After the release it was tough, but I knew that we had the same people. The gamers are the same… we just need to fix our relationship". He hopes to do this soon and that this would mark a new beginning for everyone. With the upcoming Phantom Liberty DLC, this might be the chance for a restart of the whole franchise.

Besides all the obvious problems of Cyberpunk, Platkow-Gilewski found the following reactions too much. "We went from hero to zero really fast"

I actually believe Cyberpunk on launch was way better than it was received, and even the first reviews were positive. Then it became a cool thing not to like it"

There might be some truth in this, actually. Being a hater is a big part on the internet, but an opinion like this doesn't really correspond with the views of thousands of fans and critics. Especially console players encountered a huge amount of bugs and other problems. That gave them every right to complain.

Even the PlayStation store had to remove the game from the market. So It's interesting to see that Platkow-Gilewski thinks that the hate and negativity about the game was just there because it "became a cool thing not to like it".

Now three years after its release, Cyberpunk 2077 is in a way better state and seems to function for everyone. We hope, for every fan of the franchise, that the upcoming DLC will have a better release and that CD Project Red learned from its mistakes.

Henning Paul
Henning Paul