Final Fantasy 16: Thousand Tomes Guide

In this guide, we'll show you how the Thousand Tomes work in Final Fantasy 16, so you can understand the lore of Alisthea even better.

FFXVI Landscape 1
Here is how the Thousand Tomes work in Final Fantasy 16 | © Square Enix

A large and lore heavy world is waiting for us in Final Fantasy 16. There are many characters, factions and regions with their own history. Sometimes it's hard to remember everything, but don't worry. There's a way to look up all the information and dive even deeper into the world of Alisthea.

Dive into Alisthea yourself and pre-order Final Fantasy 16 for PlayStation 5

Thousand Tomes In Final Fantasy 16

The Thousand Tomes is essentially an in-game database similar to Wikipedia. Here you can find entries to pretty much anything in the game.

To unlock it, you need to progress the main story to the point of unlocking Cid's Hideaway. Then you can find Harpocrates, the caretaker of the tomes.

In the Thousand Tomes you can search up any information you want to know and even get recommended entries that might be interesting for you afterward.

Visit Harpocrates regularly while playing to unlock new entries and level up your wisdom stat. Sadly, we don't know yet what it does.

And that's all you need to know about the Thousand Tomes. Time to dive back into the world of Final Fantasy 16.

Susanne Ehls

Susanne grew up in a gamer household, which made her fall in love with video games. She managed to turn her passion into her job, by working as an intern at EarlyGame and later being promoted to Junior Content Creator....