LoL Hwei: New Champion Teaser Revealed On PBE

Hwei is the next LoL champion and a mysterious teaser has appeared on the Public Beta Environment which hints at a release.

League of Legends official artwork
LoL: Hwei is the newest champion in League. | © Riot Games

It feels like Briar was just released, but now we're already looking forward to a new champion that is going to be coming to the rift sooner than many might have expected – Hwei.

Now, on the PBE a small teaser has been found which hints at Hwei's entrance, so when could we expect this new champion to be added to the lineup? Well, it's looking good for a release in 2023.

LoL: New Champion Hwei Teased

In 2023, Riot has released three champions thus far. Milio, Naafiri and Briar have all made their way to Summoner's Rift and now it looks like Hwei is going to follow shortly after and should be coming in late 2023.

In the top lane between the first and second red side towers there is a mural and on it, players have found that there is some form of graffiti on it. The color scheme fits with what we've seen from Hwei in the champion roadmap thus far and the art aspect also fits, since he's known as the 'ink mage'.

Players have begun to wonder what the drawing could mean, but most have come to the conclusion that while it might look like the number 8, it most likely is simply his signature and that is a fancy 'H' for Hwei.

Unfortunately, there isn't more information on Hwei yet, but it seems that in the coming weeks we might get a face reveal of the new champion. Who else is wondering how this mid lane mage is going to play?

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....